Welcome to the third episode of the Vocaradio! So far we've mostly listened to songs featuring just one Vocaloid, but now I want you to listen to a few ones featuring Vocaloid duets. Let's start!
The first one is considered by many a classic: "Remote Control" by Wonderful☆Opportunity.

Wonderful☆Opportunity (sometimes just called Wan☆Opo or Wanopo) consists in two people: Jesus-P and Minus-P. Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len are two well-known Vocaloids. They are a "2 voicebanks in 1" Vocaloid so they sing very often together. Also, to this day people are still arguing over their relationship. Are they twins? Are they lovers? Actually, they're mirrors, though originally they were supposed to be twins. In this song one controls the other with their remote controls and they're just messing around with eachother!
Another one I think everyone should listen to is "VOX" by Shu-t.

Shu-t has been making songs with MEIKO since the early days of Vocaloid and uses her in most of his songs. If you've played Project DIVA Arcade and this song sounds familiar, it's because it has been used as the main menu theme. Here Miku and MEIKO are named "Double M".
The next one is "Blame of Angel" by Kagura Misaki.

Lily and Megurine Luka were sometimes used together to compensate for each other's vocal weaknesses, although this song isn't the case. The two angels are just objects to their creator, but still wish to be loved. For some reason, the song has been uploaded a few days before Lily was released.
We finally end with "The Detective Loupe, Farewell, Mystery man of 256 faces" by Bucchigiri-P.

The artist of this song is also behind some more popular ones such as "The cursed glasses ~ stray girl in her lenses" and "Bucchigiri ni Shite Ageru" (a parody of "Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru"). Our protagonist is a detective who has to face an impossible mistery. There are actually three Vocaloids in this song: Gumi, Kamui Gakupo (or Camui Gackpo) and Kagamine Len, who is the one who sings the most, so I don't know if I should have included this song here... I found the tuning, despite it sounding choppy, very expressive, so I wanted to share it. Despite their popularity, there are only a few original songs that feature Gumi and Len together, another one that comes into my mind is "Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat Life" by Nem.
If you enjoyed these songs please check out more from these producers, see you again on the next transmission of the Vocaradio to discover new songs!