Hello there everyone, and welcome back to the Vocaradio! It's been a while, and in the meantime we've come in the middle of the spooky month, so I'll take that as an opportunity to show you some new songs!
Let's get into it with "Halloween Patisserie Tricka Torka" by Machigerita.

Machigerita is very well known for his horror and creepy songs, but years ago he moved away from Vocaloid. He used to release one Halloween song each year: this song is one of them! The protagonists are three witch sisters who own a sweets shop: Fraisier is the patissiere, Orangette makes the chocolate and Granita deals with the ice.
Now we have "Trick and treat" by OSTER Project.

This is one of the most notable songs by OSTER Project. You are trick or treating alone, then you find Rin and Len and join them, but then they bring you to a forest and you realize they are not as friendly as you thought... Some have their own interpretation for the song. For example, in a popular fan made PV Rin and Len are dolls who come to life because Miku replaced them with another doll as a child.
Next there's "Now Choose" by HINATA Haruhana.

Another song featuring Rin and Len. Len would like an impossible riddle and Rin wants a treat no one has ever eaten, but if you fail you'll pay the consequences. The song has made it into Project DIVA and the PV was made for one of the contests during which players could submit a video made in Edit Mode to be included in the game. I'll be honest, to me Rin and Len's expressions and movements look funny and unsettling at the same time.
And for the last one, here's "Oblivious Pumpkin" by Pinocchio-P.

Pinocchio-P is known for making songs with deep lyrics, often about specific topics, feelings and experiences. This isn't exactly a song about Halloween: it focuses more about society, following the flow, and the themes of knowledge and oblivion. Does knowing something new always brings us happiness, or is it sometimes better to remain ignorant?