Hello there, and welcome to my sweet castle! You must be tired after wandering for so long. Since you managed to get here, here's a little cupcake for you Make yourself at ease and enjoy your stay!
This is my small place on the Internet where you can find my art and, if you're interested, pages dedicated to the things I like. Feel free to take a look around. This website is a constant work in progress and will probably be like this forever.

The following are the webrings, listings and cliques I'm part of. Check them out!
Recent changes

- After some small problems, I added some new drawings and slightly edited the Art page
- Moved buttons on the index page and removed button page. Moved recent changes section. Made some changes to shrines.
- Hey there, I'm back again! I edited the Home page and the Links page, removed the full list of updates and dates of recent updates. I plan on adding new artwork soon
- Shrines are back! I also added a few drawings in the "My art" page and made some edits to the "Vocaradio" main page
- Added a title to the "Thoughts" page and two new entries, and added a new drawing. Also removed from the Vocaloid glossary some words that are probably too obscure and might just confuse you if you're getting into Vocaloid